I pledge to safeguard the positive portrayal of women and celebrate diversity in the media

Ways to be Involved
Take the pledge: Make a promise to safeguard the positive portrayal of women in the media. Communities and individuals at work and at home, women and men, girls and boys – are all part of the solution.
By taking the pledge, you promise to:
– Object to the representation of women as objects and refute the age-old adage “sex sells’
– Object to the idea that beauty only comes in one shape and size
– Object to gender stereotypes relating to careers and leadership roles
– Use social media responsibly and encourage the younger generation to do the same
– Contribute to an environment where everyone, regardless of gender, race, class, age, or circumstance, can reach their full potential
You can also get involved in many other ways:
Be an advocate: help us spread the word, share the data/stats – feel free to share the images below, encourage your networks to take the pledge
Open up the discussion at your workplace: Light the fire on conversations like whether the brand ambassadors or models you use in your ad campaigns reflect the diversity of shapes and sizes that make up the human race, do you stereotype men and women in gendered roles, does your organisational culture tolerate sexism?
Organise a community screening for colleagues, clients, friends, fellow parents or students: We are developing resources to facilitate the engagement of students, parents, educators, women’s networks and businesses in changing the status quo. In some cases, we may request a donation to TWF. For more details, please visit FAQ .
Donate or help us raise funds: we are looking for funding for the media literacy and critical thinking workshops we have already started to roll out in local schools and universities, and to allow TWF to keep the campaign going! Click here for payment options.
Media Literacy Programme
TWF has been working with a team led by Professor Stephen Chiu at the Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong to develop education materials drawing on She Objects to equip youth with the media literacy and critical thinking skills to examine, question and challenge the media messages they consume and how these affect their self-identity, relationships and ambition.
Workshop Curriculum
Three sets of teaching kits are being designed with different focuses for students of different levels. For junior secondary students, the curriulum forms part of their “Personal, Social & Humanities Education” Key Learning Area while for senior secondary students, the curriculum is included under “Liberal Studies”.
The curriculum covers the following key topics:
- Gender stereotypes and social media
- Self-image and gender identity
- Gender stereotypes and consumerism
If you are interested in using She Objects in your teaching, please click here to register for access.
School Screenings/ Media Literacy Workshops
To encourage students’ reflection on their values, personal growth and career goals and their awareness of the way these are influenced by media-reinforced gender biases and stereotypes, the Programme offers the following flexible formats for schools to select from: classroom discussions/workshops, student forums, experts panels and screening sessions led by trained instructors during or after school hours depending on the school’s schedule and preference. The Programme was piloted in 10 universities and secondary schools with very positive feedback.
Participating schools and institutions:
- Buddhist Mau Fong Memorial College
- Cheung Chuk Shan College
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Law Ting Pong Secondary School
- PLK Celine Ho Yam Tong College
- Pui Kiu Middle School
- Queen Elizabeth School
- Sacred Heart Canossian College
- Shue Yan University
- STFA Cheng Yu Tung Secondary School
For more information on organising a media literacy workshop, please contact info@twfhk.org.