
A literature review of published academic research conducted by TWF and supported by the Equal Opportunities Commission that explores the correlation between the portrayal of women and men, girls and boys in the media and the ensuing perceptions and behaviours of media consumers.

Key findings:

  • Gender stereotyping and social expectations: Gender stereotypes are very prevalent in Hong Kong are exacerbated after watching certain television programmes for both sexes. There is also pressure on working women to fulfil a dual role both at home and in the workplace.
  • Body image issues: Women who were saturated in media that idealised specific body images behaviours were more likely to exhibit self-deprecation.
  • Limited female role models: In advertising, women were often depicted in domestic roles and professions such as nurses and secretaries.
  • Greater permissiveness in sexual coercion and higher proclivity towards sexual harassment: There positive correlations between young men viewing pornographic material and the acceptance of negative stereotypes of women and proclivity toward sexual harassment. Young women’s exposure to pornography also correlates with finding sexual coercion more permissible in relationships.
  • Insufficient available research: In comparison to international literature, there is a paucity of quantitative, longitudinal research, making it difficult to assess the depth of media’s influence.

You can read the full report here:
